Early Modern Ottoman Visions of the World

Event Description

Event Details

For the GHOST – Geographies and Histories of the Ottoman Supernatural Tradition project, the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (Rethymno, Greece) organizes an online symposium entitled “Enchantments and Disenchantments: Early Modern Ottoman Visions of the World.”

Friday, January 14

Zeynep Aydoğan (Rethymno), “Antinomian dervishes and antikerāmet polemics before the ‘Age of confessionalization’”
Renaud Soler (Paris), “La vie du Prophète et l’ordre des choses : les Siyer-i Nebi de Veysī (m. 1037/1628) et Nābī (m. 1124/1712)”
Nikolas Pissis (Berlin), “Paisios Ligaridis on magic and divination” 19:30-20:00 Break Session II Chair: Ethan L. Menchinger
Marinos Sariyannis (Rethymno), “Sources and traditions of knowledge: revelation, hermeticism, reasoning in an Ottoman context”
Güneş Işıksel (Istanbul), “Evliya Çelebi en Nubie. Prophètes, fantômes et rois d’antan”
Aslı Niyazioğlu (Oxford), “An enchanted Kostantiniyye? Talismanic antiquities of Ottoman acaibs (15th-17th centuries)”

Saturday, January 15

Harun B. Küçük (Philadelphia), “Weberian categories and models of Ottoman modernity”
Baki Tezcan (Davis), “A canon of disenchantment: Birgivi, Rumi, and Kadızade”
Kostas Sarris (Thessaloniki), “Dialectics of enchantment and disenchantment in the intellectual world of Meletios of Athens”
Slobodan Ilić (Nicosia), “Underground life of a Sufi saint: The hidden Idris (İdrîs-i Muhtefî, d. 1615) and the secret history of the MelâmîHamzevî order in the 17th Century”
Tuna Artun (New Jersey), “Warfare, re-enchanted? An occult history of the Ottoman military”
Gottfried Hagen (Michigan), “Miracles in the age of disenchantment”

Sunday, January 16

Maria Mavroudi (Berkeley) & Cornell H. Fleischer (Chicago), “Ottoman and Byzantine classifications of knowledge in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries”
Guy Burak (New York), “‘Sound transmission and sincere unveiling’: ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Bistami’s epistemology and Islamic universalism”
Aslıhan Gürbüzel (Montreal), “Starting with enchantment: understanding charismatic authority with Ibn Khaldun” 1
Cemal Kafadar (Cambridge MA), “The enchanted çelebis of the seventeenth century and their disenchantments”
A. Tunç Şen (New York), “Mystics vs. munajjims: competing experts of esoteric knowledge in the early modern Ottoman world”
Feray Coşkun (Istanbul), “Wondrous and strange in Ottoman geographical texts”

Monday, January 17

Side Emre (College Station), “A diagram of the cosmos: mystical cosmologies and diagramming in the early modern Ottoman Empire”
Nir Shafir (San Diego), “Visualizing wonders in al-Jazari’s (d. 1206) work on mechanics and its Ottoman reception”
Miri Shefer-Mossensohn (Tel Aviv), “17th century Ottomans think about European medicine and rethink their world”
N. Işık Demirakın (Rethymno), “On the same page: convergence and divergence of natural and supernatural in the early 19th – century Ottoman Empire”

14–17 January 2022, 18:30-21:30 EET

Source: https://ghost.ims.forth.gr/11th-international-symposium-halcyon-days-in-crete-xi-enchantments-and-disenchantments-early-modern-ottoman-visions-of-the-world/

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