[New Book] The Philosophy of Kenelm Digby (1603–1665)

Editors: Laura Georgescu & Han Thomas Adriaenssen (University of Groningen)

Publisher: Springer, 2022

This book examines the philosophical and scientific achievements of Sir Kenelm Digby, a successful English diplomat, privateer and natural philosopher of the mid-1600s. Not widely remembered today, Digby is one of the most intriguing figures in the history of early modern philosophers. Among scholars, he is known for his attempt to reconcile what perhaps seem to be irreconcilable philosophical frameworks: Aristotelianism and early modern mechanism.

This contributed volume offers the first full-length treatment of Digby’s work and of the unique position he occupied in early modern intellectual history. It explores key aspects of Digby’s metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophical method, and offers a new appraisal of his contributions to early modern natural philosophy and mathematics.


Introduction: The Digbean Way, or Navigating Between the ‘Old’ and the ‘New’ – Han Thomas Adriaenssen and Laura Georgescu

Two Treatises in One Volume: Kenelm Digby Between Body and Soul – Lodi Nauta

Common Notions and Immortality in Digby and the Early Leibniz – Andreas Blank

Sir Kenelm Digby, the Immortality of the Soul, and Philosophical Theology in Seventeenth-Century England – John Henry

Digby, Thomas Browne, and Philosophical Theology – Seth Lobis

Digby, White, and the English Mathematicians – Philip Beeley

Digby on Plants and Palingenesis – Antonio Clericuzio

On Bodies and Their Orbs: Kenelm Digby’s Use of a Metaphysics of Light to Ground an Experimental Physics – Dana Jalobeanu

Digby on Accidents – Han Thomas Adriaenssen

Bodies and Their Potential Parts: The Not-So-Friendly Reception of Digbean Quantity – Laura Georgescu 

Source: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-99822-6