[New Book] Pseudo-Galenica: The Formation of the Galenic Corpus from Antiquity to the Renaissance

Edited by Caroline Petit, Simon Swain, and Klaus-Dietrich Fischer

University of Chicago Press – distributed for University of London Press (Warburg Institute Colloquia)

Release date: 15 August 2020

The works of Galen of Pergamum (c. 129-216 CE) were fundamental in the shaping of medicine, philosophy, and neighboring areas of knowledge from antiquity through to the middle ages and early modern times, across a variety of languages and cultures. Yet as early as Galen’s own lifetime, spurious treatises crept into the body of his authentic works, despite his best efforts to provide the public with a catalogue of his own production (De libris propriis).

For centuries, readers and scholars have used a fluid body of Galenic works, shaped by changing intellectual frameworks and social-cultural contexts. Several inauthentic works have enjoyed remarkable popularity, but this has had consequences in modern scholarship. The current reference edition of Galenic works (Kühn, 1821-1833) fails to distinguish clearly between authentic and inauthentic texts, and many works lack any critical study, which makes navigating the corpus unusually difficult.

This new volume, arising from a conference held in 2015 at the Warburg Institute at the University of London and funded by the Wellcome Trust, will provide much-needed clarification about the boundaries of the Galenic corpus, identifying and analyzing the works that do not genuinely belong to Galen’s production.


Muddy Waters: Pseudo-Galenic Texts and the Formation of the Galenic Corpus – Caroline Petit

Three Pseudo-Galenic Texts: Pharmacology and Society in Imperial Rome – Vivian Nutton

Is the Theriac to Piso Attributed to Galen Authentic? – Véronique Boudon-Millot

Sur la langue du traité De Theriaca ad Pisonem attribué à Galien de Pergame – Nathalie Rousseau

Easy Remedies – Difficult Texts: The Pseudo-Galenic EuporistaLaurence Totelin

Les manuscrits des Definitiones medicae pseudo-galéniques – Marie Cronier

Four Works on Prognostic Attributed to Galen (Kühn vol. 19): New Hypotheses on Their Authorship, Transmission, and Intellectual Milieu – Caroline Petit

Pseudonymity and Pseudo-Galen in the Syriac Tradition – Siam Bhayro

Nicolaus of Rhegium as a Translator of Galen’s Works into Latin: The Case of the Historia philosophaMareike Jas

Pseudo-Galenic Texts on Urines and Pulse in Late Byzantium – Petros Bouras-Vallianatos

(Pseudo?-)Galen: About the Authenticity of Galen’s Perì alypías in Medieval Hebrew, Compared to the Recently Found Greek Text – Mauro Zonta†

Alessandro Achillini and the 1502 Galen Opera Omnia: The Influence of Pseudo-Galenic Sources on Early Sixteenth-Century Anatomy – Allen Shotwell

Pseudo-Galenic Texts in Galen’s Editions (1490-1625) – Stefania Fortuna

Commentariis in Hippocratis librum Epidemiarum II uti non licet: G. B. Rasario and the False ‘Galenic’ Commentary on Epidemics II – Christina Savino

La fortune du De spermate dans les éditions imprimées de Galien du XVIe au XVIIe – Outi Merisalo

Source: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/P/bo68166396.html