[New Book] Body and Spirit in the Middle Ages: Literature, Philosophy, Medicine

Available in Open Access

Funder: European Research Council (ERC) and Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

Edited by: Gaia Gubbini, LMU University of Munich

De Gruyter, 2020

A crucial question throughout the Middle Ages, the relationship between body and spirit cannot be understood without an interdisciplinary approach – combining literature, philosophy and medicine. Gathering contributions by leading international scholars from these disciplines, the collected volume explores themes such as lovesickness, the five senses, the role of memory and passions, in order to shed new light on the complex nature of the medieval Self.


Gaia Gubbini – Introduction

Danielle Jacquart – La notion philosophico-médicale de spiritus dans l’Avicenne latin

Sarah Kay – Skin, the inner senses, and the readers’ inner life in the Aviarium of Hugh of Fouilloy and related texts

Éric Palazzo – Les cinq sens, le corps et l’esprit

Stephen G. Nichols – Language, Soul, & Body (Parts)

Gaia Gubbini – Corps et esprit

Joachim Küpper – The Medical, the Philosophical, and the Theological Discourses on the Senses

Franco Suitner – La poésie mystique

Irene CaiazzoAnimae sequuntur corpora

Aurélien Robert – Amour, imagination et poésie dans l’œuvre médicale de Gentile da Foligno

Andreas Kablitz – Petrarch and the Senses

Massimo Ciavolella – Melancholy and Creativity in Petrarch

R. Howard Bloch – Bodies without Minds, Minds without Bodies

Nicolas Weill-Parot – Le « contact virtuel » entre un esprit et un corps et l’action à distance

Carla Casagrande – Retorica delle passioni


Source: https://www.degruyter.com/view/title/540947?language=en&result=1&rskey=k3OfXU&tab_body=overview