Intoxicating Spaces: Global and Comparative Perspectives

Event Description

Event Details

A free online conference organised by the HERA research project “Intoxicating Spaces: The Impact of New Intoxicants on Urban Spaces in Europe, 1600–1850,” to be held live via Zoom.

Monday 19 July

Session 1: Opium

Devyani Gupta (University of Leeds/University of Delhi) – Opium’s Empire: Circulatory Networks and Imperial Geography in the Nineteenth Century
Shaul Marmari (Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture) – Intoxicating Diasporas: Jewish Opium and Coffee Networks in the Indian Ocean
Laurence Monnais (University of Montreal) – Managing Pain and Anxiety Under Pressure: The Colonial Life of Opiates (and Anti-Opium Solutions) in Urban Vietnam

Session 2: Objects & Architectures

Anna Fielding (Manchester Metropolitan University/The National Trust) – A Table in Cheshire: Sugar, Spice, and Tales from Far-Flung Seas
Magnus Copps (Museum of London Archaeology) – ‘Importers of Foreign Spiritous Liquors’: Colonial Commodities in an Early Nineteenth-Century London Public House
Lucas Richert (UW-Madison) – Pharmacies as ‘Pleasure Meccas’: Addiction, Architecture, and American Capitalism

Session 3: Intoxicants in Circulation

Anistatia Miller (University of Bristol) – Revisiting Early Modern Gin
Tyler Rainford (University of Bristol) – ‘The Best Liquor That End of the Town Could Afford Us’: Locating Punch in Eighteenth-Century London
Lauren Working (University of Oxford) – Bacchus’ New Muse: Wine, Tobacco, and the ‘Intoxicating Enchantments’ of Early Stuart Colonialism

Session 4: Discourse & Regulation

Jamie Banks (University of Leicester) & Deborah Toner (University of Leicester) – Alcohol and Race at the International Anti-Alcohol Congresses, 1885–1939
Chelsea Davis (George Washington University) – The ‘Civilizing’ Discourse on Wine: Britain’s Imperial Project in the Cape of Good Hope and South Australia
Eva Ward (University of Strathclyde) – Cultures of Consumption, the Colonial State, and Prohibition in the American Philippines, 1913–1933

Tuesday 20 July

Session 5: Intoxicating Geographies

Natasha Bailey (University of Leicester) – Putting Maguey on the Map: The Cultural Geography of the Early Colonial Pulque Trade in Mexico
Gabriel Feltran (Federal University of São Carlos) – Following Stolen Cars and What’s Left of Them: On Inequalities and Violence in International Market Chains
Johan Mathew (Rutgers University) – Puff and Pull: Drug Use and Rickshaw Coolies in Indian Ocean Port Cities

Session 6: Datura, Ecstasy, Poppers

Peder Clark (University of Liverpool) – Everybody in the Place: Ecstacy, Raves, and Heterotopic Spaces
Ben Mechen (King’s College London) – Feel the Rush: Poppers, Policing, and Queer Futurity in Eighties London
Anil Paralkar (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg) – Intoxicating Alterities: Travelling Narratives about Datura-Consumption between India and Europe in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Session 7: Sugar

Marisa Fuentes (Rutgers University) – Killed by Sugar: Refuse Slaves and Black Disposability in the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Marissa Nicosia (Pennsylvania State University) – Locating Ice Cream in Seventeenth-Century London

Session 8: Cannabis

Neil Carrier (University of Bristol) & Gernot Klantschnig (University of Bristol) – (Il)Legalising Spaces: Cannabis, Space, and the Law in African Cultures of Cannabis Consumption
Thembisa Waetjen (University of Johannesburg) – Cannabis Smoking in Colonial Geographies: C. J. G. Bourhill, J. A. Mitchell, and South Africa

Wednesday 21 July

Session 9: Coffee Cultures

Bhaswati Bhattacharya (University of Göttingen) – The Indian Coffeehouse: The Legacy of a Space in Urban Socialisation
Robert Moretti (University of Salzburg) – Global Goods in Rural Towns, or: How Coffee Shaped Societies in Graz/Styria
Kristin Plys (University of Toronto Mississauga) – Art and Politics in Lahore’s Café Culture during the Zia Military Dictatorship, 1977–1988

Session 10: Intoxicants & Authority

Ebru Boyar (Middle East Technical University) – ‘The Scent of Wine’: Chasing Drunks in Court in Early Modern Istanbul
Lila O’Leary Chambers (New York University) – ‘A Riotous and Tumultuous Meeting’: Alcohol and the Contested Politics of Space in the Early Leeward Islands
Nat Cutter (University of Melbourne) – Vine-Bibbers, Cockle-Warmers, and Drunken Raving Beasts: Alcohol, Cultural Exchange, and Anglo-Maghrebi Diplomacy in the Ottoman Maghreb, 1679–1700

Session 11: Tobacco

Sarah Inskip (University of Leicester) – Tracing Tobacco: Bioarchaeology and Tobacco Use in the Eighteenth-Nineteenth Netherlands
Michael Reeve (Bishop Grosseteste University) – ‘The Only Comfort’: Wartime Tobacco Provision and Notions of Soldierly Welfare in Twentieth-Century Britain
Matthew P. Romaniello (Weber State University) – The Bad Sort? G. N. Teplov’s Plan for Ukrainian Tobacco in the Eighteenth Century

Session 12: European Drinking Spaces

Dorota Dias-Lewandowska (Polish Academy of Sciences) & Pam Lock (University of Bristol) – A Woman’s Place is in the Home? Seeking the Unheard Voices of Drinking Women in Polish and British Cultures
Alexandr Gorokhovskiy (Utrecht University) – ‘Naley enim Infunde significat’: Sixteenth-Century Moscow’s Drinking Quarter and its German Dwellers
Jenni Lares (Tampere University) – House, Home, and Tavern: Places of Drinking in Seventeenth-Century Finland

Monday 19 – Wednesday 21 July 2021, 14:00–18:00 BST


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