[New Issue] Revisiting Medical Humanism in Renaissance Europe

The latest issue of Arts et Savoirs (Volume 15, 2021) is now available online in Open Access.

Special issue: “Revisiting Medical Humanism in Renaissance Europe | Revisiter l’humanisme médical dans l’Europe de la Renaissance”

This volume offers fresh insights into a supposedly well-known topic: “medical humanism.” The articles here collected revisit many facets of physicians’ engagement with humanistic endeavours, from translation issues to the critique of ancient texts; they explore the ways medicine penetrated Renaissance culture and literature; they reassess the impact of humanism on medical practice and thought.

  • Caroline Petit – Introduction: Why “Revisit” Medical Humanism in Renaissance Europe?
  • Ciro Giacomelli – The Manuscripts of Galen in the Library of Cardinal Bessarion: A Reappraisal
  • Gastón J. Basile – Res and Verba: The Early Humanist Translations of Natural Science and Medical Texts
  • Caroline Petit – Medical Humanism in the Making: Symphorien Champier (1471-1539) and Galen
  • Dorothea Heitsch – Giovanni Manardo and Jacques Dubois on John Mesuë’s Medical Substances
  • R. Allen Shotwell – Bones of Contention. Humanism, Translation, and Experience in Sixteenth-Century Translations of Galen’s De ossibus 
  • Simone Mucci – Józef Struś (Josephus Struthius) translator of Galen. The case of De antidotis
  • Vivian Nutton – Medical Humanism, a Problematic Formulation?

Source: https://journals.openedition.org/aes/3542