The Latin American Network of Studies in Women Philosophers in History welcomes submissions of presentation proposals for its First Meeting, “Women in the history of philosophy: studies and contributions from Latin America,” that will be held entirely online from October 18 to December 13, 2021, with sessions on Mondays.
Paper topics may include:
- Women philosophers of different historical epochs of philosophy
- Latin American women philosophers
- Historiographical and methodological reflections on the philosophical canon and the narratives of the history of philosophy, with respect to women philosophers
- Teaching women philosophers
Conference languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English, French
Please submit abstracts suitable for a 20-minute presentation in attached file for blind review to redlatfilosofasenlahistoria(at) no later than July 15, 2021. Abstracts must have 800–1000 words, should contain the title, keywords, the summary and the purpose of the paper. Please provide the name of the speaker, full contact address, institution and a 2–3 lines CV. Proposals will be evaluated by the scientific committee of the meeting.
Organizers: Silvia Manzo (UNLP, IdHICS CONICET, Argentina), Katarina Peixoto (UERJ, Brasil), Viridiana Platas (UEB/ UDLS, Colombia), Teresa Rodríguez (UNAM – México)