Event Description
For the next Princeton-Bucharest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, Ori Belkind (Tel Aviv University), Elodie Cassan (ENS Lyon), Dan Garber (Princeton University) and Dana Jalobeanu (University of Bucharest) propose a round–table discussion on the following topics:
- Bacon’s unfinished project: Novum Organum, book II. Is there a “unity” of the Novum Organum, Book II? How does book II stand with respect with book I, and with the other parts of the Instauratio Magna? Why did Bacon publish such an unfinished project? (Dana Jalobeanu)
- The Novum Organum, book II as a book of logic (Elodie Cassan)
- What is the relation between the “method” delineated in Novum Organum, book II and what was called Bacon’s speculative philosophy? (Daniel Garber)
- How to understand Bacon’s notion of Form and its relation to Bacon’s corpuscularianism? (Ori Belkind)
Tuesday 30th June 2020, 12pm–2pm EST
Source: https://earlymodernseminar.wordpress.com
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