Event Description
The next SHAC Postgraduate Workshop is entitled “Secrets of Matter, Matters of Secrecy: Concealing (Al)Chemical Knowledge from Ciphers to the Military-Industrial Complex.” Among the contributions:
Private Spaces, Secret Practices: Gender and Concealment in Alchemical Laboratories under Anna and August of Saxony, Natacha Klein Käfer
The Biggest Secret of Newton: Alchemical Iconography of Coronatio naturae, Sergei Zotov
Secrecy in Pseudo-Lull: The Use of Letter Codes, Marlis Hinckley
Sloane MS 1902 Alchemical Cipher, Megan Piorko & Sarah Lang
Thursday 3 and Friday 4 June 2021, 9:30am–1:30pm EST
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