The Genesis of Globalization

Event Description

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“The Genesis of Globalization: History, Geography, Literature, Philosophy” (University of Alicante – University of Lisbon) is a 2-day virtual conference approaching the globalization process through an eminently comparative perspective. The goal is to elaborate a more complete interpretation of the germinal moment of globalization, whose roots are specifically Iberian or Mediterranean, as well as of its cultural consequences. Among the presentations:

Wednesday 22 September

José María Moreno Madrid (Universidade de Lisboa) – Observationes Diversarum Artium de Ignacio Muñoz, O.P. un escarapante cientifico de finales del siglo XVII

Susana María Ramírez Martín (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) – Terminando de pintar el mundo, el mapa de Pedro Murillo Velarde

Šima Krtalić (Universidade de Lisboa) – Mass produced in manuscript: attitudes towards the act of copying in the creation of nautical cartography

David Salomoni (Universidade de Lisboa) – Cartografia, religione e scienza: Riflessioni per un’epistemologia geografica nella prima età moderna, XV-XVII sec.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Juan Acevedo (Universidade de Lisboa) – ¿Globalizatio ex nihilo? La globalidad científica primordial en el encuentro íbero-árabe

Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 September 2021, 15:30–19:30 BST


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