Event Description
The kick-off meeting of the NWO-funded research-project Visualizing the Unknown. Scientific Observation, Representation and Communication in 17th-century Science and Society will take place at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave and will be streamed online.
Word of welcome, Amito Haarhuis, director of Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
The making of the project: backgrounds, challenges and techniques, Sietske Fransen & Tiemen Cocquyt
From observation to publication: the role of images in science, Eric Jorink
Escaped from the MicroLab: some teasers and trailers, Wim van Egmond
Visualizing the Unknown and the Republic of Letters, Dirk van Miert, director Huygens Institute (KNAW)
Friday 1 October 2021, 14:30–16:30 CEST
Source: https://rijksmuseumboerhaave.nl/visualising-unknown-museum
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