Reconsidering Illness and Recovery in the Early Modern World
This virtual conference organized by Rachel Clamp (Durham University) and Claire Turner (University of Leeds) will bring together an interdisciplinary community of researchers to reconsider the role of health, illness, […]
Cause for Complaint: Men’s Sexual Health in Early Modern England
Virtual lecture organized by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Speaker: Jennifer Evans (University of Hertfordshire) How did men cope with sexual health issues in early modern England? How […]
Margaret Cavendish’s Philosophy
The Philosophy Department at Trinity College Dublin will host a one-day virtual conference on Margaret Cavendish’s philosophy. Thinking in Colour: Cavendish on Conception, Perception, and Existence in Nature – Peter […]
The Early Modern Global Caribbean
The Caribbean played a central role in the global transformations that began in the fifteenth century. This virtual conference at the Huntington (San Marino, CA) explores the regional, Atlantic, and […]
Lacquer to Drink and Eat: An Art Material as Medicine in Early Modern England
For the next Material and Visual Culture Seminar Series (Material Culture in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Research Cluster, University of Edinburgh), Cheng He (University of Warwick) will give a […]
Early Modern Wonder
The next Princeton-Bucharest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy will be dedicated to “Early Modern Wonder”. Before Wonder: Pre-Cartesian Taxonomies of the Passions – Daniel Samuel (Warburg Institute) Malebranche on the […]
Food and the Book: 1300-1800
Digital Conference organized by David B. Goldstein, Allen James Grieco, and Sarah Peters Kernan, co-sponsored by the Center for Renaissance Studies at the Newberry Library and Before ‘Farm to Table’: […]
Why is the Islamic World Central to the History of Plague?
The next virtual SSoM seminar of the Department of Social Studies of Medicine (McGill University) will host Nukhet Varlik (Rutgers University) on “Why is the Islamic world central to the […]
Cartesian Images: The Human Body
The next session of Cartesian Images: Picturing Natural Philosophy in the Early Modern Age seminar series (KULeuven) will be centered on “The Human Body”. Chair: Christoph Lüthy Gary Hatfield, L’Homme […]
Rings of Heaven
The Knowledge in Motion – Science and Medicine in the Islamic World online lecture series (History of Science Museum, University of Oxford) is created in partnership with the HSMT Centre and […]