The Experience of the Physician Girolamo Donzellini in 1575 Venetian Plague
SISS – Società Italiana Di Storia Della Scienza (University of Bari Aldo Moro) Virtual Seminar. Alessandra Celati (Verona): “Facing the Plague in an Inquisition Prison: The Experience of the Physician […]
From Healthscaping to Disease Tracing: Plague and Public Health After the Black Death
Virtual seminar organized by the Program in Medieval Studies at Princeton University for the “Pandemics in the Past: from Prehistory to (almost) the Present” seminar series. Guest speaker: Abigail Agresta […]
The Testimony of History: To Live and Overcome the Epidemic in the Present
The conference is a joint initiative of two ongoing hospital and health history research projects: Hospitalis: Hospital architecture in Portugal (European Institute for Culture Sciences Padre Manuel Antunes/University of Lisbon) […]
The Early Modern Quarantine Conference
A Twitter conference on the theme “The Historian, like the Iconoclast” organized by EMQuon. Panel 5: ‘Stories of the past are what propel us on’: Contemporary Theatrical Responses to Pandemic, […]
The Middle Ages in Modern Games
A Twitter conference organized by the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Research at the University of Winchester. Among the sessions: 3 July 2020, 14:00 BST – Magic, Medicine, and Religion […]
Reconsidering Illness and Recovery in the Early Modern World
This virtual conference organized by Rachel Clamp (Durham University) and Claire Turner (University of Leeds) will bring together an interdisciplinary community of researchers to reconsider the role of health, illness, […]
Why is the Islamic World Central to the History of Plague?
The next virtual SSoM seminar of the Department of Social Studies of Medicine (McGill University) will host Nukhet Varlik (Rutgers University) on “Why is the Islamic world central to the […]
Plagues, Pandemics, and Outbreaks of Disease in History
The Renaissance Society of America and Fordham University present the online symposium Plagues, Pandemics, and Outbreaks of Disease in History. The event aims to develop and review specific ways to […]
Plagues, Practitioners, and Prints: Visualizing Pre-Modern Medical Know-How
Virtual event on “Plagues, Practitioners, and Prints: Visualizing Pre-Modern Medical Know-How” for the 76th Historia Medica Lecture at Bernard Becker Medical Library (St Louis, MO) and the Center for the […]
Pestilence, Disease, and Healing in Medieval and Early Modern Art
14th Annual Imago Conference, University of Haifa. Organizing committee: Gil Fishhof, Mazi Kuzi, Jochai Rosen, Margo Stroumsa-Uzan. Tuesday, 12 January 2021 9:00-9:30 Greetings and Opening Remarks Efraim Lev, Dean — […]