Editor: Alfred Hiatt (University of London)
Publisher: Brill, 2021
Medieval Christian European and Arabic-Islamic cultures are both notable for the wealth and diversity of their geographical literature, yet to date there has been relatively little attempt to compare medieval Christian and Islamic mapping traditions in a detailed manner. Cartography between Christian Europe and the Arabic-Islamic World offers a timely assessment of the level of interaction between the two traditions across a range of map genres, including world and regional maps, maps of the seven climes, and celestial cartography. Through a mixture of synthesis and case study, the volume makes the case for significant but limited cultural transfer.
Introduction: Cartography between Christian Europe and the Arabic-Islamic World – Alfred Hiatt
The Transmission of Theoretical Geography: Maps of the Climata and the Reception of De causis Proprietatum Elementorum – Alfred Hiatt
Ptolemy’s Geography in the Arabic-Islamic Context – Jean-Charles Ducène
The Transmission of Celestial Cartography from the Arabic-Islamic World to Europe: The Celestial Maps in MS Schoenberg ljs 057 – Elly Dekker
Geography at the Crossroads: The Nuzhat al-mushtāq fī ikhtirāq al-āfāq of al-Idrīsī – Alfred Hiatt
Transitional” or “Transcultural” Maps? The Function and Impact of Arabic-Islamic Elements in Latin Christian Cartography of the Early Fourteenth Century – Stefan Schröder
Pluricultural Sources of the Catalan Atlas – Emmanuelle Vagnon
Conclusion: Divergent Traditions – Alfred Hiatt & Yossef Rapoport
Source: https://brill.com/view/title/58674