Editors: Danielle Jacquart (École Pratique des Hautes Études) & Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (University of Lausanne)
Publisher: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2021
The volume is entirely devoted to the scholarly work in progress concerning the scientific achievements of the last three centuries of the Middle Ages, prompted by the affirmation of the quadrivium inside the Faculty of Arts. A great part in this phenomenon was also played by the general interest in sciences that spread in monasteries and cathedral schools, and even at the courts of emperors, popes, kings, princes and so forth.
Given the permeability of the frontier between science and magic, great attention has been devoted to scientific disciplines such as alchemy, astrology, magic and divination, which had a large circulation outside the universities. Some of the common themes found in this volume are: the obstacle of the anachronism, the exchanges between different types of knowledge, the modes of transmission, or the unsuitability of the traditional rupture between Middle Ages and Renaissance.
A. Paravicini Bagliani, «Micrologus» et les sciences au Moyen Âge
B. Obrist, La périphérie de l’univers dans la cosmologie du XIIe au début du XIIIe siècle
P. Gautier Dalché, Les représentations de l’espace géographique
J. Wirth, Les artistes médiévaux face à la culture scientifique
M. Pastoureau, À la recherche de la couleur
M. Pereira, Ars, scientia, donum Dei. Complessità dell’alchimia
C. Crisciani, Vecchiaia, morte e lunga vita
L. Moulinier-Brogi, «La fleur de l’âge de l’histoire du corps»
O. Voskoboynikov, L’éloquence du corps
A. Paravicini Bagliani, Les dédicaces scientifiques à la cour pontificale. Premières recherches (XIIIe siècle)
I. Caiazzo, L’astronomie de Martianus Capella à la Faculté des arts
M. Husson, Physical signs and minutes of days: mean motion computations in the Parisian Alfonsine Tables
C. Panti, The Oxford-Paris connection of optics and the theory of rainbow: Grosseteste’s De iride, pseudo-Oresme’s Inter omnes impressiones and Bacon’s Perspectiva in Paris, BnF, lat. 7434
N. Weill-Parot, La physique médiévale: les voies d’un renouveau
B. Van den Abeele, Entre savoir de bois et de riviere et libraria: pratiques et lectures du monde animal (XIe-XVIe) siècles)
F. Santi, Sperimentazioni sugli animali. Il caso della pratica degli incroci
M. van der Lugt, Generation in the Middle Ages Past, Present, Future
J. Ziegler, The Study of Medieval Physiognomy: Present and Future
J. Chandelier, L’anatomie à la fin du Moyen Âge
M. McVaugh, Medieval Paths to Surgical Practice: The Example of Montpellier
M. Nicoud, Pour une histoire globale de la médecine médiévale
B. Laurioux, Food in the Medieval Sciences
I. Ventura, Pharmacopée et ‘pharmacologie’ entre textes et pratiques: nouvelles perspectives
J.-P. Boudet, Censures et condamnations (XIIIe-XVe siècle)
D. Juste, Reading Birth Horoscopes in the Middle Ages: Latin Judgements on Nativities 1100-1450
Ch. Burnett, Alia lectio: Editorial Strategies in Copies of a Medieval Latin Text on Talismans by Thabit ibn Qurra
J. Véronèse, La magie rituelle à la fin du Moyen Âge. Le cas de la Clavicula Salomonis
D. Jacquart, Conclusion
Source: https://www.sismel.it/pubblicazioni/1824-le-moyen-ge-et-les-sciences