The latest issue of Ágora: Estudos Clássicos em Debate (Volume 23, 2021) is now available online in Open Access.
Special issue: “Gynecia: Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano and the Ancient Medical Tradition on Gynaecology and Embryology | Gynecia: Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano e a tradição médica antiga sobre ginecologia e embriologia”
In limine Gynecia: Estudos sobre a tradição médica de ginecologia e embriologia – Cristina Santos Pinheiro
Seeing the Bigger Picture: What is Gynaecology for? – Helen King
Suffering in Childbirth: Ancient Ways to Augment Labour and Reduce Pain – Anna Tatarkiewicz
The Role of Female Physiology in Galen’s Treatises on Phlebotomy – Mónica Durán-Mañas
From the Womb to the Page: Gynaecology and History in John of Lydia – Raf Praet
“An Mola sine Viri Congressu Concipi Possit?” The Uterine Mole in Medical and Philosophical Texts between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period – Alessandra Foscati
De Morbis (Practica) Puerorum Attributed to Gordon (15th century): A Comparative Analysis between Vaticanus Latinus 10213, fol. 541r(a-b) and Ms. Sloane 71, fols. 81r-83v – M. Victoria Domínguez-Rodríguez & Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera
Female Satyriasis in Amato Lusitano (On Curatio 6.97) – Ana I. Martín Ferreira, Victoria Recio Muñoz, Cristina de la Rosa Cubo
El tratamiento de los monstrous births en tratados obstétricos ingleses del siglo XVII: entre el relato de prodigios y el texto científico – Alícia Rodriguez-Álvarez
“La vida de la preñada, es vida previlegiada.” Olhares em torno da gravidez e do género feminino na literatura ibérica (séculos XVI-XVII) – Paula Almeida Mendes
Some Views on Menstruation – Alexandra Esteves
Medical Deontology and Legal-Moral Status of Women in Rodrigo de Castro – Virgínia Soares Pereira
From Flesh to Text: The Chapters on the Uterus and Its Parts in Rodrigo de Castro’s De Universa Mulierum Medicina – Cristina Santos Pinheiro
Rodrigo de Castro’s Perspective on the Characteristics of Menstrual Blood – António Maria Martins Melo, José Sílvio Fernandes, Cristina Santos Pinheiro
Quae in Ipso Coitu Observanda: Compositional Technique in a Chapter of Rodrigo de Castro’ Universa Muliebrium Morborum Medicina – Miguel Ángel González Manjarrés
Hermaphrodites and the Understanding of Sexual Difference in the Early Seventeenth Century – Palmira Fontes da Costa
The Educatio of Children and Adolescents in Rodrigo de Castro’s De Universa Mulierum Medicina – Emília M. Rocha de Oliveira