Two-day virtual workshop sponsored by the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry. SHAC’s annual series of workshops fosters interdisciplinary exchange among graduate students and early career scholars from […]
[CFP] Curiosity, Intellectual Enterprises and Scientific Explorations in the Writings of Early Modern Women
The subject of this international conference is the participation of women in the development of scientific ideas from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. It welcomes reflections on women’s intellectual contributions […]
[New Book] Περὶ φυτῶν: Greek Botanical Treatises in the West and the East
Editors: Maria Fernanda Ferrini & Guido Giglioni Publisher: EUM Edizioni, 2020 Lo stretto legame tra l’uomo e la vegetazione si è espresso nel corso del tempo e nelle diverse civiltà […]
[New Book] Episodes in the Life of the Early Modern Learned Book
Author: Ian Maclean (University of Oxford / St Andrews) Publisher: Brill, 2021 In Episodes in the Life of the Early Modern Learned Book, Ian Maclean investigates intellectual life through the prism […]
[Digital Resource] André Vésale, livres III et IV de la Fabrique du corps humain (1543)
Après les Pièces liminaires, le Livre I, et le Livre VII, Jacqueline Vons et Stéphane Velut viennent d’achever l’édition, la transcription et la traduction commentée des livres III et IV de La Fabrique […]
[New Book] The Poison Trials: Wonder Drugs, Experiment, and the Battle for Authority in Renaissance Science
Author: Alisha Rankin (Tufts University) Publisher: University of Chicago Press, 2021 In 1524, Pope Clement VII gave two condemned criminals to his physician to test a promising new antidote. After […]
[New Book] The Erotics of Materialism: Lucretius and Early Modern Poetics
Author: Jessie Hock (Vanderbilt University) Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020 In The Erotics of Materialism, Jessie Hock maps the intersection of poetry and natural philosophy in the early modern […]
[New Book] Healers in the Making: Students, Physicians, and Medical Education in Medieval Bologna (1250-1550)
Author: Kira Robison (University of Tennessee) Publisher: Brill, 2020 Healers in the Making investigates medical instruction at the University of Bologna using the lens of practical medicine, focusing on both anatomical […]
[New Book] Early Modern Knowledge Societies as Affective Economies
Editors: Inger Leemans (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) & Anne Goldgar (University of Southern California) Publisher: Routledge, 2020 Early Modern Knowledge Societies as Affective Economies researches the development of knowledge economies in Early […]
[New Issue] Learning by the Book: Manuals and Handbooks in the History of Science
The latest issue of BJHS Themes (Volume 5, 2020) is now available online in Open Access. Special issue: Learning by the Book: Manuals and Handbooks in the History of Science. […]