[Special Issue] Aristotle’s De sensu in the Latin Tradition, 1250-1650

Journal: Micrologus 31 (2023)

Editors: Mattia Mantovani, Roberto Zambiasi and Gabriela Zuccolin


M. Mantovani – R. Zambiasi – G. Zuccolin, Introduction

G. Galle, The Order of the Parva naturalia in Three Commentaries on De sensu Associated with Adam of Bockenfield. Implications for the Authenticity Question

Y. Kedar, Roger Bacon’s De sensu Colour Theory

S. Donati, Albert the Great on Light in His Commentaries on De anima and De sensu et sensato

G. Zuccolin, Monkeys, Pygmies, and Human Beings. Sensus disciplinales and the Hierarchy of Living Beings in Albert the Great

K. White, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, and Peter of Auvergne on “muti et surdi” (De sensu et sensato, 437a16-17)

C. SteelDelectatio liberalis. Aristotle and His Medieval Commentators on Smell and Why Humans Find Pleasure in It

V. Decaix, Do We All Sense the Same Things? Some Medieval Solutions to De sensu 6

A. Robert, The Diversity of Human Languages and Climate Theory. Philosophy and Medicine in Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s De sensu et sensato

C. BeneduceUtrum tactus sit terrae a dominio. Natural Philosophy and Medicine in Three Fourteenth-Century Questions on De sensu et sensato

R. Zambiasi, The Sense of Smell in the Commentary on the De sensu Attributed to Nicole Oresme and to Albert of Saxony

S. Masolini, Two Commentaries on the De sensu et sensato from Fifteenth-Century Louvain

C. Grellard, Parisian Commentaries on De sensu in Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries

L. Graciotti, Medicine and Philosophy in Pomponazzi’s Expositio libelli de sensu et sensato (1524-1525)

L. Burzelli, A Heated Debate. Pomponazzi and Contarini on the Nature of Fire

M. MantovaniRenatus Democritus. Descartes on Atoms and the Senses.

Index of Names

Index of Manuscripts

Source: https://www.sismel.it/pubblicazioni/1929-micrologus-xxxi-(2023)-special-issue-aristotles-de-sensu-in-the-latin-tradition-1250-1650