[Special Issue] Historicizing Medico-Legal Reports: The Medical Expert’s Authority in Ancient and Medieval Societies

The latest issue of Histoire, médecine et santé is now available online in Open Access.

Special issue: “Historicizing Medico-Legal reports: The Medical Expert’s Authority in Ancient and Medieval Societies | Historiciser l’expertise : l’autorité de l’expert en médecine dans les sociétés antiques et médiévales”

The forensic expert witness is today a ubiquitous figure to be found in every field from justice to university, from public health to international policy. This multifaceted figure with varying profiles raises questions as regards objectivity, legitimacy, status and independence – the term being used for behavior patterns that cannot be reduced to a peculiar model and a single definition. Paradoxically, the current crisis in expert witness reports urges us to question the way in which former societies summoned authority figures recognized for their proficiency, experience, learning and know-how.

Focusing on the medical world of Ancient and Medieval times that have been less explored through historiography, our approach allows to highlight some forms of medical examinations beyond very different political, social or cultural backgrounds. Thanks to the diversity of tools, vocabularies, procedures or even written records, the historical approach proves to be fraught with heuristic value, provided one does not try to ascribe old origins to contemporary practices or figures but studies them in their own context.

Faut-il historiciser l’expertise ? L’autorité de l’expert en médecine dans les sociétés antiques et médiévales – Marilyn Nicoud
L’expertise médico-légale dans l’Antiquité : le témoignage des papyrus grecs – Antonio Ricciardetto
Découvrir l’imposteur : expertises dans la prison de Valence au milieu du xve siècle – Carmel Ferragud
L’expert peut-il se tromper ? La médecine scolastique face à ses limites à la fin du Moyen Âge – Joël Chandelier
L’expertise médicale et le jugement du droit de soigner (Paris, 1350-1550) – Hélène Leuwers