[Special Issue] Nicolaus Steno and Earth Science in Early Modern Italy

The latest issue of Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry (Volume 5, 2021) is now available online in Open Access.

Special issue: “Nicolaus Steno and Earth Science in Early Modern Italy”

The collection is about earth science in the early modern period, when the study of minerals, rocks, and the fossilized remains of living things did not yet form a distinct path to knowledge about earth history, but was an integral part of the wider “philosophy of nature.”

Introduction: Nicolaus Steno and Earth Science in Early Modern Italy – Stefano Dominici, Gary D. Rosenberg

The Opposite Poles of a Debate: Lapides figurati and the Accademia dei Lincei – Alessandro Ottaviani

Dissecting with Numbers: Mathematics in Nicolaus Steno’s Early Anatomical Writings, 1661-64 – Nuno Castel-Branco

Nicolaus Steno on Solutes and Solvents in Time-Related Structural Changes of Muscles, Fossils, Landscapes and Crystals: His Galilean Heritage – Troels Kardel

A Man with a Master Plan: Steno’s Observations on Earth’s History – Stefano Dominici

How Do Crystals Grow? Steno’s Approach – Silvio Menchetti

Steno and the Rock Cycle – Alan H. Cutler

Crystalline Stenonian Time Features from Earth and Beyond – Desmond E. Moser

Source: https://riviste.fupress.net/index.php/subs/issue/view/61